 East of Broken Bow | I guess it could sound like settling for mediocre, but I have a couple friends who are the other extreme. The kind where it has to be PERFECT, no matter how long it takes, or how much it costs.
I'm talking about the guy who takes 2 days to pour a new sidewalk square because if you get the forms off 1/16 of an inch, he tears it all out and starts again, the guy who got a new monitor for his planter, found it was only 98% accurate, spent thousands and thousands of dollars and countless hours of time to get to 99%, because he was concerned about yield losses due to lack of accuracy of his planter (and I fear after a year or two of wear he'll be back where he was). So, I definitely see where perfection gets in the way of 'good enough'. Good enough does not have to be mediocre, it just means when you build a new barbed wire fence and one of the posts is 2 inches out of line, you live with it, instead of digging out the post and starting over (another thing I have seen done by perfectionists).
Edited by HuskerJ 2/4/2025 13:05
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