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6th Generation Farm
Posted 2/4/2025 10:21 (#11088662 - in reply to #11088626)
Subject: RE: Regret

Have a lot of friends that went to out of state colleges, never finished, and came home with debt that never did them much good. Now most of them are working unrelated jobs to their partial education. Jobs they could have had out of high school, or with a small amount of training. That's the path they chose.

Nothing you can do about the past, have to accept it and move on.

Just about anyone can succeed when things are going just rosy and great. But carrying on and continuing your journey when you get knocked down. When you get knocked down or get put in an unplanned situation that you have to dig out of, that's when you found out what your made of.

Been knocked down many times, gotta pick yourself up and continue on.
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