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John Burns
Posted 2/4/2025 05:44 (#11088214 - in reply to #11088162)
Subject: Perfection gets in the way of good enough

Pittsburg, Kansas
That saying sounds like giving up for mediocre. And maybe it is. But if all we do is worry about perfection and it gets in the way of our attempts there may be something to it.

I think I must have made a bazillion mistakes during my almost 71 years of life. Yet somehow I ended up with a wonder ful wife (second time around) and enough money to travel and retire comfortably. And leave my kids some farmland.

It amazes me how much of a screwed up life I have lived, and still did ok. I'm not rubbing sholders with Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, but I kind of like the company I keep anyway. They seem to be decent people.

My point is, don't beat yourself over your missteps or failures. As long as they are not critical mistakes (that permanently affect your health or even life - you want to avoid those mistakes) you can still recover and have a pretty decent life. Might not get to be President of the US, but hey, look at JD Vance where he came from and where he is at now.

Things can always get or be worse than they currently are. Practice being greatful for where you are and what you have (in the way of abilities). Think of your many blessings and be thankful for them, not your temporary failures or mistakes. Practice being grateful.

Move forward. Best you can.

Edited by John Burns 2/4/2025 05:50
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