Jeffersonville, OH | AVP_Matt - 2/3/2025 15:07
Early ones you could, like about the first year of their run. The internal hardware was all the same. Sometime about a year in, due to covid shortages they stopped including the relays to operate steering valves in the Steadysteer and CAN SCMs. I think it was about that time they had to up the prices on the full feature SCM. Anyways after about that first year or so the Steadysteer and CAN SCMs can be swapped either way with an unlock, but you can't make them run a steering valve. A full feature SCM can do all 3 without an unlock.
Again, thanks for the education. Could never get my local guys nailed down on the difference after I bought my first 3 when they first released them. Knew they made changes, just didn't know when
Chris |