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Usage-based pricing, Free trial, USDA yield cleaning, Send calibrated Yield to John Deere Ops Center
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Posted 1/27/2025 07:00 (#11075704)
Subject: Usage-based pricing, Free trial, USDA yield cleaning, Send calibrated Yield to John Deere Ops Center

Hi All,

Over the holiday period and for the last few months, we’ve been steadily shipping updates that make the GeoPard Ag app and your precision ag practices better than ever.

Here’s a quick roundup of some of the highlights — but there’s a ton more to discover in our changelog.

Free 30-day Trial (no credit card), Affordable Usage-based Pay-As-You-Go, Annual area volume-based subscription, and Enterprise Plans

We’ve introduced a new, more transparent pricing model to help you see exactly what you’re paying for and choose the plan that best suits you.

Take a look at the full details on our Pricing Page.

GeoPard Self Sign Up Pricing page. Free Trial, Pay-as-you-go monthly, Annual Subscription, and Enterprise Plans (API, custom automated workflows).

Countries Support for the Free trial (USA is there and for the US field we automatically provide Lidar imagery + Field Potential maps):

Countries Support for the Free trial.

Compare Features and Plans

 For just $20 per month you have access to Equations, 3d modeling, Lidar, multi-layer zoning and more. The rest is charged per usage (it is very affordable).

Check the full comparison table

Compare GeoPard Features and Plans

Compare Plans and Start Building Free with GeoPard

USDA Yield Cleaning protocol

GeoPard Yield calibration and cleaning module now supports USDA data cleaning protocol. By default, we link important fields such as Yield, Delay, Velocity, and Swath Width. You can adjust them if your dataset uses different labels or units.

Add extra fields as needed to handle unique dataset specifics. No more need to manually clean yield datasets in GIS software or yield editor!

USDA Yield Cleaning Protocol In GeoPard

Check the live demo.

This feature is an addition to a highly flexible Yield Cleaning and Calibration module.

Export of cleaned & calibrated Yield data to John Deere Ops Center as Yield Dataset

We’ve made it easier to upload your cleaned and/or calibrated yield (harvest) data to the John Deere Ops Center. Now, each yield dataset has an "Export to John Deere Ops Center as Yield Operation" option. The existing yield dataset in the John Deere Ops Center will be removed, and the newly exported Yield (Harvesting) file will appear in the John Deere Ops Center Work Data as a Harvesting file.

Export Yield data to John Deere Ops Center as Harvesting file (not just a geospatial picture!)

Spatially Localized Classification for Soil Sampling. Options: towards values, spatial closeness or balances

Spatially Localized Classification, a new way to create zone maps that take both location and data values into account. With these updates, you can now choose how strongly you want your zone clusters to focus on geographic proximity vs. the underlying data — making your mapping more flexible and tailored to your needs.

Clusterization Modes

You can select from three different options, each balancing geography and data values in its own way


  • Towards Values: Zones are formed primarily by similar data values (e.g., yield or soil metrics).
  • Towards Spatial: Zones are formed mainly by how close they are on the map, prioritizing geographic grouping.
  • Balanced: A middle ground that gives equal weight to both data values and location.


Read More about Zones classification Options

Evaluation of Seeding Accuracy, Fertilizer Applications, Data Similarity, and Profit Maps Calculation in a Single Formula

To make it easier to run complex calculations with farm data, we've released the v1 of the GeoPard agronomic functions.

These functions encapsulate complex calculations like Nitrogen uptake:

geopard.calculate_nitrogen_uptake(yield_wet_tha, moisture_pct, protein_pct, protein_crop_correction_coefficient) 

Or Calculate Ag Inputs costs with just a single line of an equation:

geopard.calculate_costs(application_rate_list, price_per_unit_list) 

GeoPard automatically assigns layers to variables in the formula (but you can change it if needed).

You can also use these formulas in Batch Analytics, to calculate insights for multiple fields in parallel.

Check Use Cases:



Spatial similarity, Soybean 2015 & Soybean 2018

Read more about the list of GeoPard Equations Library.

Other Features and Improvements


  • On/Off 2-zones applications maps support (helpful for herbicide & fungicide applications)
  • Any amount of zones in application maps (previous limit was 12 zones). This could be especially helpful for big fields and clusterization for soil sampling
  • Import of KML and KMZ field boundaries
  • Bookmarkable URLs for Fields List filter and search. Allows you to easily share list of farms or fields with colleagues/advisors
  • Expanded Activity Log & Usage Overview Page to monitor your and your colleagues activity
  • Spanish Localization & Argentina Free Trial. Hola, ¿cómo estás? ¡Comencemos a utilizar GeoPard!
  • Area limit indication during fields drawing or upload
  • GAL (Gallon) Attribute Unit support
  • Auto-Select Interpolation. The system now automatically checks or unchecks “Use interpolated data”, simplifying your workflows
  • Negative NDVI Index. We’ve enabled the display of satellite imagery that contains negative NDVI values, giving you a more accurate view of vegetation health.
  • Performance improvements related to generation of analytics, searching, preview of maps.



Read the Changelog

Best Regards,
GeoPard Team

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