| It's not the workforce he is worried about (all though he does worry about certain industries) he is more in tune with the lack of demand that comes from NO young people to drive consumption, as he has stated time and time again the greatest period of consumption for people is when they are young and raising a family. NOBODY in China is doing that at this point, and they are not very interested in starting. family housing in China is out of reach for most anybody that is under the age of 50.
Starting about 2nd qtr of 2024 China's ruling class came to the realization that they had miss counted there population and admitted that miss count to be 150 million, most rational people with a knowledge of their demographics think 300 to 400 million people. Since that time the Central Government has directed the "governor's" to shrink the Sow herd of China by 6-8 million head ( about equal to the US sow herd.
Demographic Collapse leads to Consumption Collapse and that is what we will see from China in the next three to five years. Their only hope out is to export their way out and that is not going to happen now that the US has most of the consumer countries in the world on board with their technology bans.
Edited by Crowcrick 1/22/2025 20:00
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