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Bred Heifers
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Posted 1/22/2025 14:20 (#11068461 - in reply to #11067895)
Subject: RE: Bred Heifers

jp84 - 1/22/2025 07:57

I was curious what bred heifers are bringing in your area. We had some in N C Missouri bring $3350. Is that about avg for high quality Heifers.

How many do you want? Or are you selling?

I got a group going to Lolli's in Macon for this Saturday sale.

Debating on how many to take.

Too much chrome on some of them but they look like they will be the best ones.

We don't push them hard as I don't like a fat heifer as they don't seem to milk as good. Have you ever seen a fat dairy cow?

So if they don't weigh 1000# they will be cheaper. Probably calve the smaller ones out and sell later.
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