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I think my desktop is dying.
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Posted 1/22/2025 13:13 (#11068379 - in reply to #11067950)
Subject: RE: I think my desktop is dying.

Milford, IL
The 'insert boot media' prompt is usually caused by corrupted operating system files on the main hard drive.

The slow access to programs and data is probably because the operating system is running from the USB stick or disc drive - which is slower than running the OS from the hard drive.

My bet would be the hard drive on your machine is near death and it would be best to retrieve any data that needs preserved as soon as possible. Best to this ASAP and to not shut the machine down until the task is complete - if the main drive is a HDD or spinning disc drive - it may not work at all next time and data retrieval gets expensive or impossible. Copy critical files to whatever media you have on hand, external hard drive, USB stick, etc.
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