Near Intersection of I-35 & I-90 Southern Mn. | We did something similar last year with our Deere planter.
Ours started out as follows: Ground drive (Immaterial) Deere 1770NT 24-30 with Deere's dual coil spring downforce assemblies and unit mounted residue managers.
We wanted the ability to use a Clean Sweep air box to manually adjust air cylinders on the reside managers. We also wanted the ability to control down force air bags AND up force air bags.
Both systems require an air source. We were able to use the PP 12VDC air compressor mounted on the front of the planter to supply both systems.
The output from the PP compressor leads to the Clean Sweep air control box in the cab as usual. Small hoses lead back out of the Clean Sweep control box out the back of the cab eventually to the air cylinders on the residue managers. The height of the residue managers is adjusted manually by the operator. This is the usual Clean Sweep setup so far.
Our seed dealer who is also a PP dealer had several sets of Deere down force air bags that had been removed when folks went to a more deluxe arrangement. I found a dealer who had 24 new Up force air bags and hardware for our Deere units. I also found another AgTalker who had constructed their own equivalent of a Clean Sweep air control box. When they decided to switch to a Clean Sweep arrangement, the air box was in short supply so they made their own. The real thing showed up in time for planting so they never used the homemade air control box. I purchased it from them.
We installed the used down force bags, the new up force bags and lines leading to the tractor cab. The UP/DOWN hoses were connected to the homemade air box. The air supply for the box was split off of the supply for the Clean Sweep air box.
This means that a single PP air compressor supplies the air necessary for both systems. My Great Nephew that does the planting can visually adjust the residue manager cylinders from the cab by eyeballing their operation. He can consult an older Ag Leader weigh bar system that reports the down force on 6 of the 24 units to manually adjust the down or up air bags. The results of the down force are show on the UT screen of an InCommand 1200. With our conventional tillage he has found that using UP force is more common than DOWN force.
Many would argue that controlling the Up/Down force manually leaves a lot to be desired which is likely true. However,We feel that it is an improvement over what we have been doing.
Edited by tedbear 1/22/2025 12:06