| All I ever talked about previously was percent of my position I sold there is a good reason for that, people like simply go ape **** crazy if you tell them the position one has on. But in showing an example of how one can switch position and the math works trying to do that in percentages would take three pages and confuse people like you then there would need to be 10 more post trying to clear it up for you, then you still would not understand, kind of like this now has become. I showed numbers that would be easy to work with these numbers may or may not be the actual size of my position but also understand ( even though you won't) that I stated I was building a short position and will more than likely be adding to it.
Lastly my broker would not question if I would have a position 9f the size you find unbelievable. Been their before might be there gain.
I think for your own mental health and sanity maybe you should but me on ignore. | |