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Heated outside slabs ?
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kb ag
Posted 1/20/2025 22:09 (#11065773 - in reply to #11065585)
Subject: RE: Heated outside slabs ?

nc ks
I didn't insulate between the shop floor and approach where our big shop door is. Also ran that pipe loop closer to the edge of the interior slab. It keeps things melted under the door and maybe 8" out. Then there is a 12" wide ice slick and then the rest of the approach is just a normal outside surface. This is on the north side of the shop so sun doesn't help. If I had it to do over, I would put insulation between. It would still keep door free and I wouldn't be losing extra heat that really does me no good.

We had the ice then snow just like you. I was not flush with ice melt stash so had a fun time getting it cleared afterwards. After snow removal we would put out ice melt and then scrape with skid steer bucket edge. After a couple days it stayed dry and ice free.
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