John Burns - 1/20/2025 05:57
This will not be popular. It gives intervention scientific results that challenges the long held belief based on questionnaire science
(that can only show correlation and not causation
) that claims grains are healthy. Not something I particularly want to hear as a grain farmer
(but important for my individual health
). I remember growing up meat was always the centerpiece of meals. Then bread and vegetables were add ons. During my whole youth
) advertisements pounded how important breakfast was and grain cereal was the advertisements push.
My dad remembered his first taste of cereal in a box as a kid
(early 1900's
). A guy was traveling around giving out small boxes as samples to get people started eating them. He said he thought it was the best thing he ever tasted.
Grains being "healthy " rather than just a belly filler is a very much my generation
(I'm 70
) thing. Meat was prized for food. Other stuff if couldn't afford meat or if meat or eggs were was not available. Bikman with references in the notes to the scientific studies.
Edit: The dose makes the poison??????