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New to Climate Fieldview
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Posted 1/20/2025 19:21 (#11065337 - in reply to #11064910)
Subject: RE: New to Climate Fieldview

Elk Water Twp, MN
What's the goal of collecting the data? Historical records or variable rate application of future seed and/or fertilizer? Do you have relatively modern equipment with the diagnostic plug in the cab for the FieldView drive? Does your favorite machinery OEM have their own service? Do you have a mixed brand fleet or all one color?

Having used FV for a number of years, not sure how I'd do it without a hockey puck iPad with cellular connection built in makes it live and seemless. Since Operations Center has evolved to near FV capability, plus things FV can't easily do, and everything is green, all my eggs are now, good or bad, in the Deere basket.

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