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Inconvenient possibilities
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kb ag
Posted 1/20/2025 12:21 (#11064528 - in reply to #11063826)
Subject: RE: Inconvenient possibilities

nc ks
Who cares Jon. The boot is coming off the average person's neck today. Finances will be what they will be. Your pocketbook doesn't really matter if the government can take your lifesavings or even your life at their whim. The atf is out of control and made decisions that effectively have murdered citizens needlessly. Things like that is what needs to stop amid a mass of other government infringements. Who care what happens to your golden ethanol in comparison? If I have to change my lifestyle to live in a free country, so be it. Bring it on! I have witnessed 'Christian' teachers vote for demoncrat baby killers most of my life simply because it would help their pocketbook. I'm fed up with people like that and look forward to a new day in this Country. The change has uet to be seen, but the hope is finally back.
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