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Ontological shock
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 1/20/2025 10:41 (#11064299 - in reply to #11063974)
Subject: RE: help me out here OGB......

Altoona, WI
jd4930 - 1/20/2025 08:32
And just what exactly does any of this change if there is or isn't someone else out there? What exactly should we do different if it's proven or not? I guess you can call me stupid or whatever you want but if this thread has proven anything it's that you are worried or concerned about it.......what difference does it make at this point?

First of all, thank you for asking a legitimate question for a change instead of playing the part of the court jester as you had been.

I do not know if you have read both of my posts and all of my replies to others, but I did state that a full disclosure doesn't change anything. We will all get up in the morning, go to coffee shop, check NAT, milk the cows, feed the cattle, etc, and keep right on doing those things. There is compelling proof that these things have been around forever, from reports recorded since mankind was able, to cave paintings, to an apparent UFO was dug up in an ancient archeological dig.

So no, I am not afraid. I have always had a fascination with this topic and have always read whatever I could about it. My only fear is that the government and/or military will attempt to feed the public a false narrative that "they" are a threat. There have been warnings made by some very credible sources that this is actually the plan. Werher Von Braun warned about a series of false flag threats, all of which have happened over the last 80 years or so.

That being said, I fail to believe for one second that news breaking of solid proof, whether it be little green men landing on the White House lawn on TV, perhaps coupled with reporters allowed into a secure facility to show a recovered craft or alien bodies on ice, would not have some sort of an effect on all of us in some manner or another. We (and by we I mean western cultures, not indigenous peoples who have known this all along) somewhere along the way lost our connection with the reality of things and have arrogantly come to the belief that we are at the top of the food chain. Some people believe this more than others. That is why I also stated that people who lack a religious or spiritual influence in their lives are likely to have a harder time coming to grips with the "new" reality. Then of course, us being men, are more apt to outwardly show a "Pfft, what's the big deal?" attitude when inside we are really thinking "Holy crap, this is real".
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