NW Ohio,near Findlay | In NW Ohio, we have many places that sell them. I would recommend a gas over electric, the big reason no one buys the electric ones, but they are cheaper. About all the guys that sells them, don't buy the electric ones for resale. If one is for sale, estate sales mostly, they are electric ones. Electric is always a hassle, plugging them in, and batteries are so expensive. Constantly have to add water to them, all of them. They do offer lithium battery packs for them now, my son in law just bought a set, but does not have them installed yet. All of my friends that have them for farm use, mostly have the Club car brand. One big reason is Aluminum frame, not steel. If buying one, look at the frame, the steel one are rusted from being used on golf courses where the grass has been fertilized, chemicals, and wet grass gets spread underneath the cart. My son in law has a Easy Go, water drips off it and stains garage floor.
My cart is a Club Car, about a 06, standard tires and rims, and a rear seat that folds down flat area for my wife to carry her yard stuff, and I use it too. I do not have the speed up gears for road travel, it runs about 20 or so, stock which is fast enough for us, any faster, friends, Grandkids could be dangerous. No lift kit, defeats the purpose of a cart, want it easy to get in. I did add the extra rear spring kit, need it with four people and hauling stuff. Added the light kit, nice for late night yard work. I do run the RV gas in mine, some do, some don't.
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