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Son went on a domestic violence call .
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Posted 1/19/2025 11:19 (#11062576 - in reply to #11062433)
Subject: RE: Son went on a domestic violence call .

MN Dave 2 - 1/19/2025 09:59

Several years ago when I took a concealed carry class, the instructor emphatacally said in a domestic violence situation to especially watch the woman who was getting beat up and you stepped in to protect. In more times than not, she will attempt to protect her man from the person trying to help her.

My carry class, the instructor basically said to "not be the hero" in multiple ways, whether it be a convenience store robbery or domestic issue. Only use it in self defense, and only brandish if you intend to use it. Look for a way out of the situation first. Lots of court cases support that advice.
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