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Greaser Bob, ETA on this info drop????
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Posted 1/19/2025 10:34 (#11062486 - in reply to #11061983)
Subject: RE: Greaser Bob, ETA on this info drop????

Original Greaser Bob - 1/18/2025 22:21

You clowns that fail to see the gravity (pun intended) of this, you are not alone (pun intended again). There are a lot of people out there that would not be satisfied with evidence until little green men land a UFO on the White House lawn and come out asking to talk to the big orange man. Even then, you will claim that the video was doctored or a deep fake.

So what have I learned from this? Well, I learned first of all that the owner of this site only feels safe in the shallow end of the pool. I'm actually surprised that he has allowed the small handful of us to even stay in the deep end that he didn't even know existed until the other day, and the grand majority of you are only ankle deep in a wading pool. LOL! Regardless, the day is coming very soon where the naysayers will look back and think "Ol' Bob was on to something."

But seriously, I too was slightly disappointed in that video, was not surprised by the content of it since this has been acknowledged by a fairly substantial number of highly credible people over the past few years, but this was the first time it came from a first hand source with actual evidence. I was way more surprised and interested in the last half of the show because most of that was new information that had not been made public.

I was disappointed Bob, for the hype from you and what I read elsewhere. Maybe it was a big revelation, I don’t know. As far as proof, that was basically National Enquirer proof. Not really proof. I can’t imagine we’re alone in the universe. Maybe we are. I don’t know. But nothing I saw yesterday changes anything I believe today. If we aren’t alone, and there is actual undeniable proof at some point…it means it’s been that way my whole life, whether I knew it or not, and I don’t believe it will change the way I live one bit…unless it’s a war of the worlds type situation. I don’t understand the hype really. If Bigfoot actually exists…does it change anything really? If there is some form of life on another planet, does it change anything? I would argue no, it just means we know.
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