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So you guys from NY..
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Bruised Spud
Posted 1/19/2025 07:23 (#11062172 - in reply to #11061437)
Subject: RE: So you guys from NY..

Chaffee, Western New York
I'm 45 minutes from the "Solar City" Buffalo billion$. Know several people who worked building it. The hope of employment once it got up and running died very quickly as the scam that it was became obvious. Property values didn't increase. Some land got signed up for solar projects and a few even got built.

I'm unaware of this project just a few hours away but my guess is that it will just make money disappear. Rochester has Kodak, BnL and a few other facilities that are supposed to be still useful. Won't be long and they will be like the Trico wiper blade factory in Buffalo with a collapsed roof, trees growing out of cracks but "Historical" and unrepairable.
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