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Liquid Fertilizer ?
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Posted 1/19/2025 07:07 (#11062155 - in reply to #11061728)
Subject: RE: Liquid Fertilizer ?

Marvin1982 - 1/18/2025 19:18

That question was actually for easy money. He was saying when he bands, he is saving a lot of money on fertilizer compared to broadcasting like i do. I soil sample every 2 years and my pickup and k spreads are running variable rate at $32 and acre on the lowest field and my most expensive field requires $51 of p and k and that includes my starter on the planter with yield goal at 250 bu

Years ago When I started with strip till I had found a report from the University of Minnesota on banning potassium. They had seen positive yield responses by reducing the application rate by 40%. And then we can remember when you used to buy fertilizer. They would ask if you're putting it in 2x2 or broadcasting cuz they had a different rate chart.

So I was fairly confident that I could cut my 9-23-30 in half. But the sulfur and nitrogen. I really wasn't quite sure how they would react. So I put in 3/4 of what I normally would have spread for AMS and 50% of my nitrogen. Then came back in season with the rest of the nitrogen. Played around with different rates and the best I ever did was in the 7s area. And that was that we had some good weather to help.
and did some SPK trials over a couple years. Never saw a response to adding more of them. So over the years I just kept more trials and questioning and learning. So compared to where I was broadcasting to getting the strip till figured out I was 50% K, 0-30%phosphorus 70% of AMS and 70 to 80% of the nitrogen that I used to be, but I was growing a better crop. Not just yield but the stock strength. The stand. I remember back in like 16 1718. The corn was as green as grass going into harvest. I didn't know at the time how a corn plant worked. We were so used to being dying down and not drying down. We were used to seeing dead plants coming into harvest. So seeing a green plant with a brown husk at first I was thinking I was screwing up my nitrogen program and putting it out there too late. But now I know that is what we want

Long story short that brings us to this year. This is what I did last year with some fine tuning to just be better. But last year was phenomenal for corn where I did this program. Plant test and soil test ahead of the applications as needed to determine what products are needed and the rate to be used

So this year I will have the AMF product along with micros some acids, some sugar in the furrow.

V3 Sidedress will be N, QT of 0-20-20,S

V5 will be the foliar feed QT 0-20-20 with more sugar and stimulant.

V6 Side Dress rest of N,S at 0-20-20

Tassel drone spray will be N, stimulant,sugar, phosphite acid, QT 0-20-20

The nitrogen like I said it would be cool to be able to get to 6. I don't know if our soil and our environment will allow that to happen.

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