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Conventional seed corn from small company?
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Posted 1/18/2025 09:02 (#11060865 - in reply to #11060743)
Subject: RE: Conventional seed corn from small company?

Hillsboro, TN
coup - 1/18/2025 07:30

ANewman - 1/17/2025 19:28

coup - 1/17/2025 19:55

ANewman - 1/17/2025 18:30

You should be fine. I'm in south east Coffee Co, about 45-50 miles from the AL line. A few of us around here have planted Epley's in the past and it did well. They discontinued the variety I liked best, so I haven't planned any in the last couple years.

Seed guide has 2110 listed that is what you planted, so guess they must have raised it again.

I planted some 2110 and it was a decent variety. I'm thinking the number that did the best for me was 2210. Isn't that the one they discontinued a few years ago?

You planted 2110, 2220, and 2310.

Guess it was then. My memory ain't too sharp sometimes

Might plant some this year then

Edited by ANewman 1/18/2025 09:03
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