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0 lbs nitrogen test plot
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Posted 1/16/2025 16:41 (#11058727 - in reply to #11058599)
Subject: RE: 0 lbs nitrogen test plot

Pvafarm - 1/16/2025 14:26

"There is a lot of potential savings there with a nutrient Management program!"

Expand on that thought.

Pretty simple. Most of us are buying a nitrogen credit based upon a yield goal. So he just bought 165 N credits to produce the second hundred bushels. 1.6 to 1. In "theory" he should have been able to get by with 50 less credits purchased.

a whole lot of theories and guesses about how much nitrogen credits we have from a previous crop and how much the soil should mineralize....Until we start testing ahead of a nitrogen application how do we really know what's going on?

Growing number of guys joining the .6 lbs applied club. I like to hear what they have to say.
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