East Central Nebraska | For me and my farm it is a feel good thing. I have done many years of plots and why I keep using it, I don't know. It sure looks a whole lot better out of the ground. One thing with my tests, I usually do it on the last planted and it is a good 2-3 weeks later. So I agree with cold emergence is better and should try a test on the 1st day I plant. My son-in-laws family see it pay, but they farm 70 miles from me. A couple years ago, we were really dry and the starter stuff was very noticeable better and the test plot on 2 different numbers was 12-13 better. And corn was high price too. So that year it really paid. Other years it was even and a few times it was less. My dad uses my planter and doesn't use in-furrow starter. Most of the time are yields are about the same. But with a farm that sits on the opposite side of the road from the coffee shop, and that is what you see out the window, that farm pays! LOL. | |