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Grandma's Last Ride
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Posted 1/12/2025 23:40 (#11053555 - in reply to #11053429)
Subject: RE: Grandma's Last Ride

Cleveland, MS. Own small farm near Booneville, MS

My condolences to you and your family. Mentioning your grandmother's age struck a chord with me. My mother is currently 95 years old. She will be 96 on Valentine's Day. Still lives alone in the house where she has lived since 1965, drives herself to church two to three times a week (sometimes more depending on what is happening), drives herself to town for grocery shopping, hair do appointments, and doctor visits. She worked a full time job as a seamstress in a garment factory until she was in her early 80s. Dad died in 2001. She married again in 2011 and her second husband died in 2013. She's not going as strong as she once did but can outdo many people less than half her age. I both dread and look forward to the day when she leaves this earth. I dread it because she has always been one of my greatest encouragers and look forward to it because I am confident that she is destined for a better place than this.

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