goodhue county,mn | clicker...........my parents worked hard ,,,in a different era.....back then they raised families on 160 acres.........i consider myself to be a new age farmer.......i milked 20 to 30 cows grade b...on our farm ,,started in 6th grade along with my older sisters who all took a turn....i quit milking in 1995 ...penciled things out in my head.....wasnt worth my time and effort.....started working in town ....welded for 3 months ..truck mechanic at bmtl for 2 years ,bartended for a year and got into union construction.........gave up rented ground that was not connected to my home farm...........always looked forward......but i am not riding on any ones coattails........get offered land every year from people ....have beefers on one less farm than the 90's.....never wanted to expand because i was happy.......how many people can say that.....coat tails,,,nope | |