![](/profile/get-photo.asp?memberid=6091&type=profile&rnd=313) NEND | I've been updating spray records lately. I discovered something I didn't previously know could be done in Operations Center. In our area, there are many different crops grown, thus from time to time we have to go to a field more than once to spray all sides to work with the wind to avoid neighboring crop damage. When you go back to finish a spray job, you have to use the same work (in Gen 4/5) to utilize Section Control from the initial coverage in the field. I've been frustrated looking at these work layers in OP Center. Until I learned this capability, I was frustrated not being able to distinguish what was done at different time as it was all one layer. I discovered you can use the Timeline tab in the Analyze to see what was done at different times. When you find a time that was between spray sessions, you can split the work layer into two separate layers so you can easily look at or print out the two sessions if desired. Not sure how many people this would appeal to, but thought I'd share |