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Insight into current status of the automotive industry
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Posted 1/5/2025 16:49 (#11042608 - in reply to #11042316)
Subject: RE: Insight into current status of the automotive industry

Roseglen, North Dakota
That's too long to listen to. And I despise stories being told by "experts"
In the first 2 minutes the most common word is I and me.
Is this overanalyzed?
Is it really any different than dozens of other mfrs (machinery rvs boats campers Harleys and 1000 more)
continually making a better more refined product that does 2 things?:
1. Appeals to the public customer so they buy them. Who doesnt want nicer?
2. Allows them to make a profit to stay in business. Don't we all want to do that?

Eventually the buying money well runs dry. Like overloaded machinery lots.
Then we start to buy only necessities. Then the companies start hurting.
I have a problem with saying they "deserve" to fail.
And even if they deserve it and fail who pays for it?
You and I. So be careful what you wish for.
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