JDpastor - 1/4/2025 19:07
AGB - 1/3/2025 18:53
Cliff SEIA - 1/3/2025 12:42
Because some areas are flat enough that getting water to run downhill means the mains have to be 12' or more and that's very expensive, especially if it requires a mile or more of main to reach an outlet.
A mile to an outlet is a different story. 12 foot deep on a flat field makes no sense to me at all unless your runs are 5 miles long. I guess i don't understand. Ive been tiling
(thank God I'm done
) for 40 years but I don't understand this it's too flat to tile stuff.
Cliff's example of a 12' main a mile long makes sense if his field is so flat that the only place for him to find a deep enough place to find a close outlet is by going through a field that is 8 feet higher than his flat ground. His flat ground might still have a bit of natural drainage that flatly runs for 10 miles, but that also is likely not an economic option. These situations are very common in flat areas.
Edit: I read down lower that too flat for an outlet makes sense, but not too flat to tile. I think most of us understood that Cliff meant without a good outlet it makes no sense to tile. Even with a pump, you still need somewhere to pump it to that does not flood the neighbor.
Further Edit: AGB, I have a lot of respect for you. I read your explanation for your response further down and there are few guys that have both the confidence and character to admit that they had no idea about a subject. There is however no shame in just not knowing. Your response again reminds me why I love this site so much. We all get to learn so much that we did not know before. I am often reminded that what works here may not work there and vise versa. Thank you for your contribution to this site and for your comments.