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Grain storage or drain tile
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Posted 1/3/2025 18:55 (#11039532 - in reply to #11039183)
Subject: RE: Grain storage or drain tile

BFarm - 1/3/2025 13:24

The flat is not the problem, but not everywhere has a ditch deep enough to run a deep outlet into without a pump. If a field has little or no fall and the ditch is a shallow grader ditch, it's hard to get on open outlet. We have a couple of bubblers that work, but it's not ideal. We can dig the outlet ditch deeper, but it drains into 2 other ditches that are not deep enough and go through 4 neighbors, then you have miles of ditches to clean and also maintain. It's not always cut and dried, and we are flat too. Fortunately, our bottoms has a drainage district and there a several ditches around that usually work, but not always. Other areas that have few ditches have major difficulty getting an outlet without crippling expense.

I understand that. That's a different situation than "it's to flat to tile". You have to have an outlet deeper than your main, or a pump. I'm thankful we have a county drainage district with ditches.
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