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Wisconsin TJD intermittent spark
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Posted 12/30/2024 16:04 (#11033470)
Subject: Wisconsin TJD intermittent spark

Milford, IL
Having difficulty with a Wisconsin TJD in an old JLG man lift. Engine has a distributor with points, it is a later serial number engine with the YF52S1 'colt' distributor (I think). Points and condensor located under the cap. Points and condensor and rotor were replaced with new about a year ago, point gap set at .020.

Usually nice hot spark cranking. With an inline spark tester between the plug wire and the spark plug, you can watch the ignition break up as the engine gains RPM, engine speed will fluctuate up and down (as the ignition works/fails to work) until engine eventuallly dies. Not a ton of experience with points ignition, whenever possible I throw it all away and replace with Pertronix but I don't think there is a kit for this engine.

Do I fire the parts cannon and replace all of the ignition components again? I have not replaced the ignition coil yet, could the coil be the problem?
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