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Deutz BF6L513 RC engine
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Posted 12/27/2024 09:42 (#11028200 - in reply to #11028190)
Subject: RE: Deutz BF6L513 RC engine

Jeffersonville, OH
Featherduster - 12/27/2024 10:36

Can anybody tell me about these engines? Good and bad?
I’ll be using one this spring to irrigate a rice crop. Been sitting for some years. Had it fired up yesterday and all ran fine. Guy before me used it every now and then to send water to his pigs down the line.

Anything to watch out for other than the basic stuff?


We used them in tractors from about 1988 to 1994, absolute TANKS as far as 200hp engines go, and easy on fuel for their size compared to anything else out there.

What to watch out for, oil leaks. You keep them clean, and dry and they will run FOREVER. If you get a leak, fix it ASAP, as any dust that gets in the engine will accumulate in the oil, and start causing cooling issues in the engine. Too many cooling issues, and you can start scoring pistons.

Bad, price to work on them is on the high side, but not that much worse than anything else anymore. If you keep oil changed every 100-200 hours max, the bottom end will last 20K hours or so.

I have one out in the storage barn I bought years ago, supposed to have been rebuilt but never put completely back together to be fired up, ie, manifolds and fuel system not completed. On my list of things to do someday when we get time...Like that ever happens!!

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