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Raw Milk, what am I missing?
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Jay NE Ohio
Posted 12/21/2024 15:13 (#11020244 - in reply to #11020021)
Subject: RE: Raw Milk, what am I missing?

northeastern Ohio
ccjersey - 12/21/2024 12:03

LTLT pasteurization (140*Farenheight for 30 minutes) vs HTST (161*F for 15 seconds)……..guess which one changes the taste of milk the most! Answer is the LTLT almost certainly. Not that it makes a bad taste, it’s certainly something that consumers get used to and love, but it’s more different from the raw milk than if you use HTST.

I have to disagree with you on the taste. I cannot stand to drink store milk that has been HTST pasteurized. I have drank the milk from the local bottler that uses LTLT pasteurizing and it tastes great. Maybe it is the extra fat, but they have Holsteins, so it is about 4%, which is not much more than the store and way less than my Jersey 5.3%.

We have a pasteurizer for our calf milk that can do either. The milk that has been cooked at 161 degrees smells bad. I've never tasted it, but if it smells bad, it usually tastes bad. We have been pasteurizing at 145 for the past 12 years and the calves love it.

(butterfat (full).png)

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