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Ford 6610 3 pt Won't Lower - Follow Up and New Question
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Posted 12/21/2024 08:33 (#11019683 - in reply to #11019414)
Subject: RE: Ford 6610 3 pt Won't Lower - Follow Up and New Question

Mount Vernon, WA
I think you're on to something with that solid spool. I'm having faint flashbacks of seeing something like that on another machine decades ago in a similar situation. I don't remember the details though. That said, I don't see how the system will operate properly without the correct spool in place, which does appear to be a serviceable part according to the parts catalog.

I can't predict what will happen exactly if you leave the spool out, but I suspect you won't be hearing the pump going over relief anymore. I also suspect the 3-point won't work either. But hopefully you can find the correct spool to stick in there.

The position of the ASC valve is where it should be, so leave that alone. I also see that the return port is going where the breather used to be, so I'm fine with that also.

Post back what the response is with the solid spool removed, I'm curious now.

I have a friend who lives in Newberg, but I don't have plans to go see him again anytime soon. That said, I do believe you're on a path to a solution.
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