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Ford 6610 3 pt Won't Lower - Follow Up and New Question
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Posted 12/20/2024 23:42 (#11019414 - in reply to #11019114)
Subject: RE: Ford 6610 3 pt Won't Lower - Follow Up and New Question

Thanks for your continued help. Here's the only additional pictures I have at the moment, can get more tomorrow if still needed.

The 2 spool "add-on" valve is currently NOT connected. When it IS connected, the standby hydraulic load is less noticeable, but the 3 point raises VERY slowly (with no weight on it). I assume this is because the open center "add-on" valve is stealing most of the flow, but enough is somehow making it's way to the 3 point to allow it to move (slowly) with no load.

With the add-on valve disconnected, the 3 point speed is normal, but anytime the 3 point isn't actively moving the pump is working against the relief.

It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the add on valve return to sump is plumbed into a port on the lift cover that dumps straight into the rear axle housing. I confirmed this while I had the lift cover off. Looking at the parts schematics, it's a port normally used for a breather, potentially on a non-cab variant.

The ASC valve is pushed in, when pulled out the 3 point doesn't work at all (which I believe is the expected behavior).

I did end up tearing down the priority valve pack (pictures also below) and discovered an unexpected component in what I believe is the "combining" spool location. Rather than a spool, it's just a solid steel slug with a precision fit in the bore. Could this be blocking the flow? I don't see anything like it in the online parts schematics.

Because this tractor is a "Tiger special" and presumably ordered from the factory to be upfit with a side mower (and I believe no 3 point), I'm beginning to wonder if this "slug" was installed to block flow and allow the use of Tiger's external valve? When I get the new O-rings for mounting the priority valve pack (and run it through the parts washer), I'm considering pulling the slug and seeing what (if anything) happens.

As for location, I'm about 4 hours down I-5 from Mt. Vernon in the upper Willamette valley. I certainly wouldn't ask or want anyone to make that drive just for me! But if you're ever in the area I owe you at least a lunch for all the help so far!

Note: You'll notice not all of the external control linkages are hooked up, I've been waiting to make the final connections until I know I don't have to pull the top cover again....

Edited by Rustedclassics 12/20/2024 23:48

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