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MF 5200 What's it worth
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Posted 12/10/2024 11:56 (#11003228 - in reply to #11003087)
Subject: RE: MF 5200 What's it worth

Jeffersonville, OH
BeerBudgetFarms - 12/10/2024 10:43
well my Dad was a field test engineer for Massey . Between the actual tractor and implement testing we git to put a lot of hrs in many 4880 and 4840s on our farm from disk and field cultivators and chisel plows we had free us of them

That's awesome!! We were going after the 5200, but if the right 48/4900 came along we'd always look at those....we just like the oddball stuff, McConnels, 5200's, AGCO Stars, etc

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