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7 1/2 vs 9 inch field cultivator sweeps.
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Posted 3/1/2010 19:37 (#1100115 - in reply to #1100046)
Subject: Re: 7 1/2 vs 9 inch field cultivator sweeps.

Jewell County KS
I've used some CNH sweeps on a Sunflower and a Kent and will not use anymore. I don't remember if they are maxi-width or not.

My problem is the ones I had crack vertically between the 2 bolts and fall off. They do not fit the shank right and when you tighten the bolts they flex I guess and then bust. My dealer says to place a flat washer on each bolt between the shovel and the shank but that does not work and is a poor fix at best.
Maybe they will fit a Case machine right but I doubt there is that much difference.

The Deere Tru-widths fit and work fine. I can actually wear them out instead of picking them up in the feild.
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