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IVT vs CVT in field Demo Yesterday
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Posted 2/23/2007 22:13 (#109982 - in reply to #109952)
Subject: RE: onion farmer, I thought this was supposed to be a non-commercial site.....

Central Iowa
I think we have cabin fever. What a crabby bunch. As a disclaimer, it was suggested that you try each tractor and judge for yourself. I don't see any reason to jump all over him for having an opinion. It seems that everyone else is free to state their opinions here so he should have the same right. I have had great service from my Agco dealers. I wish everyone had the same experience. I can't say about Deere, I don't own any of their brand. I assume the service is very good as well. I happen to run the other brands because they work for me. Those of us that are buying from the other guys keep Deere and Co. from bending you guys over even worse.
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