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Running across people who should be medicated
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Posted 11/23/2024 09:34 (#10979351 - in reply to #10979278)
Subject: RE: Running across people who should be medicated

I came across an article about the chemicals we eat and how it affects our mental health. I wish I could find it again but I can’t. Those researchers found a very strong link between what people eat and these types of disorders. The conclusion was that the vast majority of those and other mental health issues are the side effect of what those people are consuming. The drugs they take mask the symptoms but the root cause remains. Diet changes actually cured the mental health issue.

I think this issue is like almost every other where there is a strong “there’s a pill for that” mentality and the public is more than happy to take that easy way out. I suspect that an unusual mental health condition exists in many cases, at least to some extent, but the cause is misunderstood and the treatment used only masks the symptoms and thus the person is afflicted for life.

And then I’m sure there are a few parents that just find their naturally “busy” child is much easier to handle when they get their daily pill. It’s sad to say but I’m sure that likely happens often also.

Edit to add: One other thing I remember about it was that genetic factors come into play and some people process certain chemicals in our foods differently than others so only some people develop these symptoms.

Edited by havin’funfarming 11/23/2024 09:36
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