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Running across people who should be medicated
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Posted 11/23/2024 07:30 (#10979193 - in reply to #10979080)
Subject: RE: Running across people who should be medicated

I tend to agree and it seems to be a catch all. I'm not a psychologist but I can say my observations are the ones with ADHD many times have the parents who say "Bobby, don't do that, I'm going to count to 3. Now come on, listen to mommy". Then they chase him down with no repercussions. Have seen it in church where Bobby's parents are gone and "mean old" grandma has the kids and they toe the line. My young son has a friend on meds and if my wife takes them to the movies, if he begins to act up she is firm and tells him to knock it off and that is end of it the rest of the night. Have heard that other parents don't want him around because he's a handful, but she gets along fine with him if he knows he won't get away with it. She invites him and another friend everytime they go now. I do believe there is something to diet (I became gluten intolerant 15 yrs ago out of the blue), but I also know Helen Keller was born blind and deaf and was trained to speak, so a lot of these issues could be controlled by training and discipline (and discipline is not always beatings like some allude to in this post). My youngest son is a couple of years behind in maturity and has trouble memorizing, and was born head strong and stubborn, and defiant. After 11 years of training, discipline and some extra help, he is doing well and zero issues at school. If left to the experts, he would have been medicated (we had him evaluated more for the learning issues). I'm not saying all parents with kid trouble failed or are lazy, but medicating them to no end is probably not a good idea either. I feel for the school nurses who are busy doling it all out. Used to be bandaids and ice on the playground.
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