Scottville, 49454 Northwest Michigan | We've owned a USC AT500H for about five years. Does a good job. No complaints with its performance.
1. Like the ability to use the treatments I want applied to our seeds. That freedom or ability is as beneficial as the cost savings. 2. With respect to innoculants.... like the ability to apply the treatment to the seed mere days before planting, or even the day of. 3. Like the comfort of knowing the seed is truly treated, CORRECTLY, and not merely covered with dye. (Everyone I deal with seems trustworthy, but ya just never know.) 4. It really doesn't take that much time to treat. Like one of the other guys said.... a couple hundred units per hour is very doable.
1. There's always a bit of anxiety getting the calibration correct. Since we only treat, at most two times a year.... I have to think through each time how to do the calibration. The treater does have a very nice method for calibrating, but there's still a bit of anxiety doing the task. I've always gotten the calibration correct, but not without a bit of trepidation.
2. Cleanup/cleanout takes me at least an hour each time. I don't like to let the hoses sit very long with treatment in them. A few days at most. Always fearful it will be difficult to clean them out if I let the gunk establish itself in the tubes. Yes.... an hour really isn't a big deal.... I suppose my lazy attitude towards cleaning in general is my problem.
Edited by briggsfm 11/23/2024 06:46