Southern Indiana | It’s not just farms it’s almost all business’s. Car companies, insurance companies, grocery stores etc. It’s the way of the world and economies of scale. Some companies stuck their neck out/ got lucky or did well. Once you are big it must be easier to get bigger. Thin margins make bigger companies do better. If you make 5 dollars per hog out the door a few hundred hogs won’t be efficient to survive. You need thousands and thousands. We had a couple hundred sows on our farm when I was growing up. When I graduated we kind of faced an ultimatum where we needed more sows and a sow building and equipment upgrades if I was to stay there full time and generate enough to survive on.. I got some welding certs and started working for a local mine drawing a decent check and in the end it was probably the right decision. I think dad was kind of relieved and got rid of the sows and now just finishes hogs for a bigger outfit. The crop side of the farm we’ve expanded some but mainly due to me sticking my neck out, taking on some debt, and pulling 100k a year as a lineman. | |