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Anyone here running a S9 series Gleaner?
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Posted 11/3/2024 09:52 (#10950062 - in reply to #10269087)
Subject: RE: Anyone here running a S9 series Gleaner?

Vauxhall Alberta Canada
We run an S98. First year on our second one, had the first one for 3 years. Other than a couple belts all repairs were covered by warranty on the first one. Came from a 540c challenger which was a very different machine from the Gleaners. Overall have been happy with the machine, horse power is the limiting factor most of the time. In nice standing 220bu corn around 18% moisture we can occasionally surpass 5000bph running a 12 row gerringhof rotodisc. Consistently run 3500 to 4200 before running out of power during the day, at night with dew or frost on we are down to around 25-2800bph. Haven't found rotor loss to be a limiting factor in any crop thus far but have never done soybeans with it. I try to check for losses running the combine as close to capacity as resonable and use a good old fashion bucket on a stick to check, then set accordingly. I think overall cost of ownership with the Gleaners should be lower than other brands due to lower initial cost, good fuel economy, fewer moving parts and simpler components, ie less gearboxes and hydraulics. Time will tell. As far as long term reliability I can't see them being any different than any other brand out there. The S9 series has been out for a long time now and there has to be machines that are starting to get a good number of hours on them, someone should be able to better answer that question.
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