Lapel, In | Around here a bin of that size would have a concrete pad of about 6" in depth with a footer a spade wide and a spade deep near the outer edge of the pour. Could be different where Chads lives due to the much deeper ground freezing depth. I would imagine the depth of the pad would also depend on the height and diamater of the bin.Not sure I would waste money on wire.Wire won't keep concrete from cracking.It will only hold it together once it cracks according to an old time concrete company owner that I know. And since a bin pad will have no traffic on it, it should stay in place when it cracks(and it will crack).
Old timers big city contractors will tell you a pea gravel base should be used at least equal in depth as the depth of the concrete.
Edited by msb 2/22/2007 21:59
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