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Some free legal advice, please.....
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Posted 10/3/2024 04:15 (#10913164 - in reply to #10912852)
Subject: RE: Some free legal advice, please.....

coast of Maine
I know of a leach field issue on a line, a very nice family here locally,grand son built house on land given to him by his grandfather.10 years later grandfather passed,sadly grandson passed two years later with an odd cancer,,35 years old and two young kids.Widow put house on market as needing down sized.750k$ ,contract signed in 4 days.Survey of all facilities done for potential buyer ,,leach field on gramps land a tad..No sale by financial company.It eventually got straightened out (year goes by),,you just never know.Gramps was dead,grandson built the very nice house,no one was concerned on exact line.Another ,,go look at one of my property lines.Neighbor built his house on my land,,WTF,,,he was freaking out,,I said"lets swap some land I want and I wont own your house" ,,we both are happy,,now if he was a jerk(or me) I guess I could have had a free house.
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