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Drain Tile Question, House/Yard Use
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Posted 10/2/2024 20:49 (#10912939 - in reply to #10912448)
Subject: RE: Drain Tile Question, House/Yard Use

Western-Central Lower Michigan
If its regular rain from roof, I would use Perf sewer and drain. Trench with slope, line with plastic all sides. lay pvc (this would be the sticks that are at the home center with a couple rows of 3/8 or 1/2" holes). Cover with 1 to 2" rock. If you introduce soil with that much water, it wont find the drain tile fast enough.
If you have lots of runoff, you may need to lay 2 4" tiles.
By using just stones, your tile will handle a lot of water fast. Be sure to have lots of slope to the "ditch"....
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