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Drain Tile Question, House/Yard Use
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Posted 10/2/2024 15:50 (#10912663 - in reply to #10912448)
Subject: RE: Drain Tile Question, House/Yard Use

Central Coast, California
Are you trying to catch surface runoff or horizontal movement of water through the soil? If it's surface runoff you will want a fairly wide one to help the water infiltrate in. At least 12" if not 18" wide. We generally put in a bigger rock at least 3/4 but usually 2". I like to use filter fabric on it much like a leach field, across the bottom and up the sides then fold it over about 6” below the surface and put another layer on the top. If you are just worried about the subsurface water the top can be just soil. Total depth depends on how deep you need to protect. And where you can pop the pipe out for your drain. Slope it like any drain 2% (1/4" per foot) is best but if you have to you can get away with 1%>
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