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Iran unleashing ballistic missiles onto Israel, puts the Administration
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Posted 10/2/2024 07:04 (#10912109 - in reply to #10912084)
Subject: RE: Iran unleashing ballistic missiles onto Israel, puts the Administration

SE Iowa
Once Israel was reestablished in 1948 Jews flocked to the area, back to their homeland. A homeland that was given to them way back by GOD, after roaming the desert for 40 years. Incidentally a much larger country then what it is today (i.e. the 12 tribes, Gaza, West Bank, part of Lebanon and Syria, etc). In the Bible it says Israel will never again fail to be a country once is was reestablished. So no matter what is thrown at Israel God will defend it and Israel will prevail. The end times get closer with every day that passes. When will that be, nobody knows. But 1948 was the first signal. And I have a feeling the US will not be around anymore when that happens. It will be destroyed from within. Read chapter 38 in Ezechiel. No mention of the US. But Israel will be invaded by a coalition of countries bent on destroying it. That won't happen. God will prevent it. Read Revelation 3 or 4 times with a self help Bible to guide you thru it.
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