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One man post hole digger/. OR ice auger for fishing
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Posted 10/2/2024 06:26 (#10912046 - in reply to #10910628)
Subject: RE: One man post hole digger/. OR ice auger for fishing

North Dakota
If I couldn't get it running I wouldn't buy another gas powered ice auger. Get an battery powered one, Strikemaster or Ion. They cost about $400 to $500. Once you have one you will throw rocks at a gas powered one. They turn every time you pull the trigger and drill as fast or faster than any gas or propane powered one. I have an Ion that is about 5 years old and on the original battery. It will drill about 30 holes in 2 foot thick ice and the battery will charge overnight. It works even when it is -30*.

I kept my propane auger for a couple of years as a backup but gave it away because I never used it.
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