Washington Co Ks | I had two close calls before I learned that the warning to shut the machine off before working on it applied to me. I was combining milo in a muddy field one evening when the main drive belt started to slip as I drove across the field with a bin full. I reached through the running belt to tighten it holding the wrench by the end. When I took the wrench off the tightening nut it hung up a little and popped up and hit the belt. The wrench was jerked out of my hand and went around the pully breaking the belt. It could have been my arm that went around the pully.
Another time I tried to clean some dirt and alfalfa stems out of the reel drive pully on my windrower. I left it run slow and used a screwdriver to scrape the inside of the pully. This time when the screwdriver went around the pully my finger did too. Luckily the belt tightener was spring loaded so I ended up with a broken and badly cut finger. Even though my finger was badly hurt and was very dirty the doctor was able to disinfect it and sew it up and save it. I finally learned my lesson. | |