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One man post hole digger/. OR ice auger for fishing
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Posted 10/1/2024 06:59 (#10910901 - in reply to #10910628)
Subject: RE: One man post hole digger/. OR ice auger for fishing

East of Broken Bow
Check the shut off switch, as well as wiring, it is not uncommon for something to chew a wire and ground it out. After that, you'll likely need to get behind the flywheel and be sure things aren't too rusty.

Not to derail things completely, but if you can't get it to spark yourself, before I'd take it in to be worked on by a mechanic, I'd shop the sales and coupons at Harbor Freight and get their little one man post hole digger. Under $200, and works like a charm. The auger part could be better, it is obvious they cut a few corners when you compare it to a pro brand, but the power head part is amazingly good for the price.

I even have used a Ryobi 18V post hole digger, and while it is lacking in power (I'd say it has just barely enough to dig in our Custer County Nebraska clay) it has one of the very best augers I have ever used, and the powerhead weighs about half of what a gas version does. Really makes me tempted to get the 40V version sometime when they are discounted, but first I might wait for the new high output 18V batteries to come out as IMO the battery output is the limiting factor.
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